Natalee Jo

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, June 21, 2009


I'm getting a little inpatient now for this baby to come.  I know I still have 12 days until my due date.  However I haven't been feeling very well since Thursday and I keep thinking it is a sign she wants to come early.  

I took a sick day today from work because I was having contractions last night and couldn't sleep.  I woke up just exhausted and feeling like I could barely function.  I have tomorrow off as well which I'm really glad so I can just relax. 

Everyone, including my doctor, keeps saying they think our baby will come any day now.  I just wish she would.  Or at least let me feel good until she does decide to arrive.  

Zak is just as inpatient as I am.  He was really hoping she would come on Father's Day.