Natalee Jo

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

One day left of March!

As most of you know I'm counting down until April and then probably again to May.  Work has been very busy this year and we expect a lot of our "winter visitors" AKA snowbirds to be leaving April 1.  Some of them take longer and leave sometime during the middle of the month.  After that  works gets easier and I get happier.  Of course the weather goes from wonderful (80-90's) to a scorching 115 in a matter of a few months, but I have decided that that is okay and that is what swimming pools and AC are for.  

Nothing has changed much here.  Our baby nursery is painted and it looks wonderful.  As my niece Libby would say, "it's all kinds of colors." I'm still waiting on furniture which should arrive sometime in April.  We have bought a few new things already for her and it is so much fun.  I have always liked the headband hair bows even though my sisters have all voiced differently.  So I bought an assortment on e-bay the other day. Some of them are so small.  Karen assures me they will fit or maybe even fall off.  I am 26 weeks pregnant right now and doing pretty good.  I had labwork yesterday and did the glucose cola test. It wasn't as bad as everyone told me.   In fact, it was sort of fun.  After I drank the orange drink the baby was moving like crazy.  I could even see little waves of movement from her on my stomach as I sat in the waiting room.  I wanted to laugh but since I wasn't alone I sat silently.    We have an ultrasound next thursday which I'm excited for.  Zak already adores this baby. He keeps telling me can't wait for her to get here.  He is constantly putting his hands on my stomach and talking to her.  Even asking her to move for him.  

As I posted last time, April will be a busy month for us.  We have been doing some spring cleaning this month and we are almost done.  Zak's sister is coming to visit with her family and we are excited. We have lots of things planned which should be fun.  We are BBQing and swimming on Saturday.  I can't wait to see my niece in the pool for the first time.  Later in the week we are going to a diamond backs baseball game, the zoo, and a amusement park place that has mini golf, laser tag, bowling etc.   I took one day of work off and Zak took 2 days off. Then once they leave Zak's parents are coming the next day and staying for a few days.  We are going to another baseball game when they are here too.  

Hopefully I can get Zak to post on here one of these days.  I told him nobody likes a blog that is never updated. But I'm just as bad.  Even though I didn't promise a new entry weekly.  
Oh, we are also still trying to come up with names so if anyone has any suggestions.  Right now our top contender is Natalie.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

New background

Since Zak wasn't changing the background monthly I decided to do it myself.  A lot more of my taste.  Everything is going pretty good for Zak and I right now.  Zak has been sick a lot lately so that hasn't been fun and we have both been really busy at work as well.  However we have a lot of things to look forward to in the next few months.  Zak's sister Amber and her family are coming to visit in a few weeks. Then right after that his parents are coming.  I'm really excited for people to come visit us.  I have been trying to get a few little house projects finished and spring cleaning done.  Our soon to be baby room has some new paint on the walls. It isn't finished yet but when it is I will post some photos.  Then Kyle, Kristi, Karen, Zak and I have a trip planned to Vegas mid April. I can't wait to get out of Mesa for a few days and have some fun.  Hopefully shortly after this trip most snowbirds will have gone home and work will get easier for us.  

Here's to a happy March! -Jo