Natalee Jo

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Go Cards

Oh yeah. The bandwagon is getting pretty full down here in Arizona. Of course, the Cardinals have finally proven that they CAN play football so that helps. Couple tidbits today.

Joleen is looking pretty dang cute. We find out what we are having in just under 2 weeks and we are getting very excited. Joleen has changed her mind and now wants a girl because she has some great decorating ideas. Meanwhile, I am officially in the middle. I don't care what we have, just want a healthy munchkin.

Work has been especially good the last two days, mainly because we have done far fewer compounds than our average. It amazes me how much time it really takes to focus on the those prescriptions compared to what the company believes it should take. There is a huge misconception at a corporate level on the time commitment for our services. I know most of the misconception is just due to economic pressure right now, but, hopefully soon the company will do an about-face on this.

We are finishing up the guest bedroom slowly but surely. It has been a very basic project but we have really spaced out the work. I need to sand down and paint the nightstand and then it is pretty much done. We will post pictures once it is all finished. Then we will do the baby room!!! EXCITING!!!

Its starting to warm up a little down here. We can't wait for summer. It's too cold! That is all.