Natalee Jo

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, June 29, 2009

2 more days of work left

This morning I decided that I wanted to be finished working this week.  My original plan was to keep working until I went into labor.  These last few weeks I haven't felt that great and I have been really tired. I have also stressed about what to do if I can't go to work or if the pharmacy has to close.  So Wednesday is my last day at work and hopefully Natalee will come shortly after.  Thursday is my regular day off and Friday is my due date.  

I don't want to be bored waiting for her but I think it will be better than working myself too hard before she comes.  I also get sick of hearing every morning at work, "still pregnant huh, or how are you feeling."  

I have learned these last few weeks that literally nothing fits and I have to do laundry every few days in order to keep the small wardrobe that does fit, clean.  I learned that nausea isn't just the first trimester, it is prevalent at the very end as well.  I really feel like the first trimester all over again with a huge belly.  

I have learned that everyones tone changes on the phone when they realize I'm not calling to tell them I had a baby and I'm calling them for something else.  I know they don't mean it but still.  

I also have learned that this waiting is probably just as hard on Zak as it is for me.  He is a bit distracted at work and all he thinks about is this little baby.  I never thought he would be like this but I love it.  I love that he is so excited and this is all he thinks about.  He even had one of his customers bring him a card and giftcard today.    

I have a doctors appointment tomorrow where I hope we can talk about induction.  My fear is they won't want to do it right away and I will still be pregnant this time next week.  Keep your fingers crossed for me everyone.  

OH, I have also been trying to use reverse psychology (I'm not sure if this is even the correct definition for it).  I have been cleaning my house lots hoping to trick my body that I'm nesting so I can have this baby.  It hasn't worked.  :(

Despite how negative this post seems, I'm not really unhappy.  Just bored and inpatient.