Natalee Jo

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, June 29, 2009

2 more days of work left

This morning I decided that I wanted to be finished working this week.  My original plan was to keep working until I went into labor.  These last few weeks I haven't felt that great and I have been really tired. I have also stressed about what to do if I can't go to work or if the pharmacy has to close.  So Wednesday is my last day at work and hopefully Natalee will come shortly after.  Thursday is my regular day off and Friday is my due date.  

I don't want to be bored waiting for her but I think it will be better than working myself too hard before she comes.  I also get sick of hearing every morning at work, "still pregnant huh, or how are you feeling."  

I have learned these last few weeks that literally nothing fits and I have to do laundry every few days in order to keep the small wardrobe that does fit, clean.  I learned that nausea isn't just the first trimester, it is prevalent at the very end as well.  I really feel like the first trimester all over again with a huge belly.  

I have learned that everyones tone changes on the phone when they realize I'm not calling to tell them I had a baby and I'm calling them for something else.  I know they don't mean it but still.  

I also have learned that this waiting is probably just as hard on Zak as it is for me.  He is a bit distracted at work and all he thinks about is this little baby.  I never thought he would be like this but I love it.  I love that he is so excited and this is all he thinks about.  He even had one of his customers bring him a card and giftcard today.    

I have a doctors appointment tomorrow where I hope we can talk about induction.  My fear is they won't want to do it right away and I will still be pregnant this time next week.  Keep your fingers crossed for me everyone.  

OH, I have also been trying to use reverse psychology (I'm not sure if this is even the correct definition for it).  I have been cleaning my house lots hoping to trick my body that I'm nesting so I can have this baby.  It hasn't worked.  :(

Despite how negative this post seems, I'm not really unhappy.  Just bored and inpatient.  

Thursday, June 25, 2009

This is worse than Christmas

Zak is always telling me that patience is a virtue.  Well this month he doesn't have that virtue whatsoever.  He wants his little girl so bad that he talks to her everyday trying to plead for her to want to be born.  Here are his recent comments:

Come on Natalee, push the eject button.  I want to hold you.

Next he was a gameshow host and said, "Come on down Natalee, you have been chosen as the next member of our family."

Today he said, "Man, this is worse than waiting for Christmas to come, because I don't even know when she is going to come."

He can't wait to hold her and I kind of wonder if he will let anyone else hold her when she is born. He He.

My dr. appointment went well this week and we are still just waiting.


Sunday, June 21, 2009


I'm getting a little inpatient now for this baby to come.  I know I still have 12 days until my due date.  However I haven't been feeling very well since Thursday and I keep thinking it is a sign she wants to come early.  

I took a sick day today from work because I was having contractions last night and couldn't sleep.  I woke up just exhausted and feeling like I could barely function.  I have tomorrow off as well which I'm really glad so I can just relax. 

Everyone, including my doctor, keeps saying they think our baby will come any day now.  I just wish she would.  Or at least let me feel good until she does decide to arrive.  

Zak is just as inpatient as I am.  He was really hoping she would come on Father's Day.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Feeling great

Still no baby yet but I'm feeling great now.  My pain in my hip is considerably less and I am barely waddling if I am.  I will be 38 weeks tomorrow and have another dr.'s appointment then.  

Zak and I are off today and we are going to spend most of the afternoon and evening together on a "date."  Or at least that is what I'm calling it.  We are hoping to get pedicures (Zak likes getting them even if he might not openly admit this), go shopping, go out to dinner and then rent movies to watch at home.  I can't wait.  

I'm bringing lunch to my pharmacy staff today to thank them for everything they have put up with these last few months. I have taken quite a few sick days with this pregnancy and I also have been on light duty for the last 10 weeks.  Which means they have had to work harder when I'm the pharmacist.  

Also I have to add that last night Kristi and I enjoyed listening to Kyle and Zak play rock band 2.  It was fun.  I liked hearing Zak sing, which I think he his pretty good at.  


Sunday, June 14, 2009

Still waiting....

Natalee is being a little turd so far and just teasing us that she wants to come out. Meanwhile I am just anxious because I know it could happen anytime. Joleen is ready for this to be over now too. Her feet are so swollen and she has been a lot more achy lately.
Kyle bought Rock Band 2 last night and we had a blast with it. Drums are way hard to play. Guitar is a piece of cake because we had played guitar hero. I ended up singing most of the night. My voice hurts a little this morning.
Kyle and I also went to a sushi joint last night called Sakana. It was EXCELLENT. We will definitely go back, possibly this next weekend.

Thursday, June 11, 2009


The dreaded waddle is here.  I always swore there would be a way to walk normal in pregnancy but I was wrong.  I was hoping my doctor would have some way to cure the pain in my hip that causes me to walk with a limp.  No least not until the baby is delivered.  :(

So I had my 37 week appointment today and my blood pressure went up quite a bit since my previous appointments.  Due to that and my swollen feet, my dr. had me go to the hospital for monitoring.  At first it scared me because she was only in the room with me for a few minutes and then she was calling the hospital to tell them I  was on my way over.  Then I realized that she was just be cautious and it didn't mean the baby was coming now.  So they hooked me up to some monitors and took some blood.  My blood pressure went down and Natalee was doing just fine.  She likes to move a lot so the monitor kept losing her hearbeat.  So the nurse had to adjust it a few times.  I was having some contractions that I didn't feel at the start. Then later I felt some and they gave me some medicine for the pain.  After about 30 minutes I was feeling wonderful and they told me I could go home.  Zak met me at the hospital shortly after I got there and hung out with me.  He was really excited hoping that the baby was coming.  I was told to take it easy and rest for the next few days and not return to work until Monday.  Everyone keeps telling me that I don't have much time left.  However I think I will still have a few weeks.  Only time will tell though.  

Monday, June 8, 2009

Zak and I cooked all day on Thursday.  It got boring towards the end but we were able to get so many meals prepared. Most of the meals we divided into 2 or 3 containers.  Zak got a Seal-A-Meal for Christmas this year and we used it for almost everything.  We had to start putting a few things in our freezer with our fridge because our freezer's temperature went up pretty high as we kept adding more things.  I'm making a double batch of lasagna today for a family who just had twins.  The leftovers from ours I am going to freeze.  Lasagna freezes so well!!!

My doctor's appointment last week went well.  My doctor is out of town so I saw a different one.  She told me she didn't think I would have another 4 weeks  until the baby came. This excited me but at the same time I didn't want to get my hopes up.  My stomach measured a week ahead and the baby is head down.  I have had a lot of aches in my hips lately which has made it hard for me to walk normal.  Hopefully that is one of the wonderful pregnancy symptoms that only lasts a short time.  I still have swollen feet but I found some maternity trouser socks that have compression in them.  They really help for when I'm at work.  

It is sort of funny how women can strike up conversations with pregnant women anywhere.  I have had more people talk to me this past week at store than ever. Nobody believes that I'm due in less than a month.  I'm also getting a little sick of people telling me that it looks like I'm starving my baby or that I am not drinking enough water since my stomach is so compact.  Isn't that something people should just keep to themselves. Trust me, I'm not starving this baby. 

I also have to mention Zak again about how cute he is with everything. He is so excited.  He tells Natalee good morning each day.  He talks about how he will hold her all day long and how cute she is.  He begs for her to come early cuz he just can't wait any longer.  He asks her to move for him and then giggles hysterically if she does.  His friend brought over a fleece blue  yankee blanket yesterday.  He was so excited and hung it off the side of the crib.   I only wish I had a hidden camera to capture some of these funny moments.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

And Natalee will be her name-o

Zak and I finally decided that we wanted to settle on a baby name.  We decided her name will be Natalee.  We aren't sure on a middle name yet.

Tonight we went grocery shopping and have plans to cook all day tomorrow. We have two cookbooks that you make meals and freeze them.  Hopefully this way we won't starve once our little girl arrives.

I also have my 36th week dr. appointment tomorrow.  I'm hoping they will be able to tell me whether is she head down or not.  I don't have a clue.  She does like to kick me in my right side a lot though and hiccup near my left hip.  

Zak seems to think she is going to come really early.  He even told me today as I walked out the door,  "Call me if you go into labor."  What a silly guy.